
Dr. Lloyd Katz works on the structure of the body using a wide range of chiropractic techniques and healing modalities. He helps his patients, who range in age from newborns to 90-year-olds, experience improved health and vitality. Dr. Katz is proficient in adjusting more than just the spine, working often on the extremities (arms, legs), cranium, jaw - and even visceral manipulation of the organs (sometimes known as bloodless surgery). He has been able to greatly improve the performance of athletes as well as the mobility of the elderly.

In his quest to stay at the forefront of technology, his adjustments often include using an iQ Impulse Instrument (from Neuromechanical Innovations), in place of adjusting the body by hand. When applied to the dysfunctional area, the instrument thrusts at the ideal frequency to maximize motion. Its patented technology incorporates feedback of the patient’s response to the adjustment in real time and senses when mobility is maximized, ceasing the adjustment automatically. Many patients find this style of adjustment to be more relaxing because with the instrument’s fast speed a lot less force is necessary.

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Another common tool used by Dr. Katz is the Erchonia Percussor, a hand-held mechanical adjustment device with a unique "Galvanic Wave" action that can be used to reduce muscle spasms, increase circulation, release fascia restrictions, drain the lymphatic system and more.

Programmable cold lasers are used regularly by Dr. Katz to promote healing. Within 10 seconds the lasers will greatly accelerate the repair in sprains/strains, and reduce scar tissue and inflammation in the body. Cold lasers are also very effective for immediate pain relief and many more applications that Dr. Katz uses in his practice. Read more about his use of cold lasers here.

Dr. Katz utilizes his knowledge of acupuncture and the meridian systems using non-needle modalities, including laser, sound and heat/moxibustion. Auricular therapy, treating the whole body through the ear, is emphasized. He also uses soft tissue techniques, such as cupping and Gua Sha.

In addition, Dr. Katz employs a number of other physical therapy modalities, including electric stimulation in the form of Interferential Therapy and Russian Stim to decrease pain and inflammation and improve circulation. A spinal decompression table is used to help patients who suffer from debilitating pain due to bulging, degenerating, or herniated discs.

Chiropractic Care Treats The Cause:

Millions of nerves travel throughout the human frame to control the function and physiology of your body. Spinal joints that are out of alignment or not moving properly can affect your health by irritating delicate spinal nerves. When irritated, these nerves alert your brain that something is wrong. Symptoms, including pain, are usually the result.

Nerve signals are also sent to your muscles to stabilize and protect the area. You may feel stiff, sore, and tired. As opposed to taking pain masking drugs, which can be dangerous to your health, chiropractic care seeks to locate the source of your symptoms and address the underlying cause, so the problem doesn’t keep recurring.

Your chiropractic doctor will consult with you about your health and perform a complete examination to identify your problem areas and prioritize the main concern. Chiropractic adjusting with the Impulse iQ Adjusting Instrument aims to restore your body’s balance and function, correcting the underlying cause of your symptoms.

New patients are eligible for a complimentary 15-minute consultation. Give us a call today, or book online!