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Optimize your genetic potential with custom DNA analysis!

Dr. Katz uses the Wholistic Methylation™ system, developed by Dr. J. Dunn, to analyze your genetic information and discover your unique health risks. Additionally, through the practice of Kinesiology, Dr. Katz can glimpse which genes are expressing and where you may be at risk for various potential imbalances. A custom supplement, diet and lifestyle protocol will be created for you, based on your DNA and your responses to the Kinesiology testing.

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  • Get your DNA tested

  • Send us the results

  • Set up an appointment

  • Meet with Dr. Katz for Kinesiology testing

  • Receive your health care report

Dr. J. Dunn & Dr. Lloyd Katz

Dr. J. Dunn & Dr. Lloyd Katz

MyHappyGenes DNA Test Kits can be purchased through us. Go to to read more about their DNA testing program.


Dr. Katz is a Certified Wholistic Methylation Practitioner, after receiving the final level of advanced training in January 2020. He is currently the only person in Upstate New York State who is certified in this work.

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