Wellness TeleHealth Sessions (for Current Patients)

Address any of your health concerns with Dr. Katz in an online TeleHealth format (via Zoom) using your DNA and a photo. Depending on your needs, the session may utilize the ASYRA system, surrogate testing, health consulting and home care/lifestyle recommendations. NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) and TBM (Total Body Modification) can also be done remotely. Part of the allotted time may be used offline in preparatory testing and providing you a written report of findings and lifestyle recommendations. Supplements, energetic patches or drops may be suggested and can be picked up at the office or mailed.

DNA sample collection: This service requires you to submit a DNA sample in advance. View/download DNA collection instructions.

Time: 15, 30, 45 or 60-minute consultation with Dr. Katz, via our secure TeleHealth online video-conferencing system.

Cost: $50 per 15 minutes + supplements (prices vary). Payment is made at the end of the session, though credit card information needs to be entered to secure the appointment. Sliding scale discounts will be applied at checkout.

Make Appointment: Click on the applicable link below to make an appointment. You will receive a confirmation email immediately, plus a separate email with the TeleHealth link and instructions within 24 hours or on the next business day.

Wellness TeleHealth Session - 15 minutes ($50)
Wellness TeleHealth Session - 30 minutes ($100)
Wellness TeleHealth Session - 45 minutes ($150)
Wellness TeleHealth Session - 60 minutes ($200)

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